carousel Short code - simple usage


carousel -

Simple infinite content/images carousel with move by finger

  • You can see in code, that left arrow has attribute "data-m-auto" - a number is an amount of milliseconds between sliding.
    <div class="carousel-container">
        <a href="#left" class="arrow left" data-m-auto="6000"></a>
        <ul class="block carousel" data-m-action="carousel">
            <li class="w33 inner-block"><img src="image1.jpg" width="100%"></li>
            <li class="w33 inner-block"><img src="image2.jpg" width="100%"></li>
            <li class="w33 inner-block"><img src="image3.jpg" width="100%"></li>
            <li class="w33 inner-block"><img src="image4.jpg" width="100%"></li>
        <a href="#right" class="arrow right"></a>

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