Grid in m.css ver.1.2 Short code - simple usage

Grid in m.css ver.1.2

Grid in m.css ver.1.2 -

M.css takes full advantage of flexbox and automatically adapts the grid to screen size. The 12-column grid, common to all typographers and designers, is completely discarded in m.css v.1.2 and 100%, 80%, 75%, 66.666%, 50%, 33.333%, 25%, 20%, 16.666 is used %, 12.5%, 10% of the width of the parent container, allowing for the same division, but with more concise names. The use of such simple names can significantly reduce the degree of appearance in the layout, making it more concise and understandable.

Column 100% of width .w100
50% of width .w50
50% of width .w50
20% of width .w20
80% of width .w80
25% of width .w25
75% of width .w75
33.333% of width .w33
66.666% of width .w66
25% of width .w25
12.5% - .w12
12.5% - .w12
16.66% - .w16
16.66% - .w16
16.66% - .w16

The same can be done with form fields:

Remember that to implement adaptability, you can use multiple classes for one element to describe the grid on different screen sizes.

More information on adaptability is available on a separate page.

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